

The world needs change makers.

In order to change, we need to lead from the emerging future.


A new future is only emerges if you are not stuck in the past. 


But guess what, our natural state (as human beings) is to be stuck in the past (that's your body's survival system).


How can we work with this natural state and shift to truly create a new healthier future for all?


Step 1: Practice presencing (the act of becoming present) and sensing.

Step 2: Open yourself to emergence.


What is so special about emergence?

Emergence is new information coming to you. Those "ah-ha" moments of new insight that you could not see, feel or experience before.


In this practicum, we practice how to create the conditions to be with our present self to process our multiple ways of knowing and to create space for what wants to be seen or created.


This practice is weekly.


Because in order to change any behavior, we need to practice.  We get to show up.


The Presencing, Sensing and Emergence Practicum is a free gathering to help you practice, to help you stay accountable to what you want to create in the world.


Every week, you get to bring something into session and practice one-on-one with another person.

You can bring a work-related topic or a personal topic.  

Whatever you feel comfortable exploring with another person witnessing you.  The benefit is...


To join, sign up for my email list*.

Confirm your email subscription, then I'll send you a link to add the practicum to your calendar.

*By signing up for the practicum, you are accepting to the Community Agreements (stated below) and my Privacy Policy.  

I respect your privacy and I will not spam your email box.



 - N. Turner


"This is such a powerful tool, and it's become a regular part of my week - I value it hugely!  Having a short, sharp session each week that gives me the permission - and support - to stop, sense inwards and actually listen to the wisdom of my body / heart / gut... well, it's been profound.

So many insights I wouldn't have had otherwise!   Thoroughly enjoyable.  Thoroughly recommended."  

This is for you, if you want...

  • Feel the essence of the regenerative paradigm compared to the mechanistic
  • Tangible ways to apply and experience the living system's paradigm
  • Weekly accountability to cultivate regenerative ways of being and behaviors
  • Community interaction and support as you develop your embodiment of the living systems paradigm


Let's support each other's growth


Location:        Zoom

When:               Thursday at 11:05 am Pacific Standard Time

How to Join:  Enter your name and email then click the 'Sign Up Here' button.  You'll get the link to add the event to your calendar after you confirm you email subscription.


Practicum Agenda

11:05  Opening & Grounding

11:08   Mini-training

11:18   Pick Your Practicum Topic

11:20  Practicum (1 on 1 breakout rooms)

11:45  Group Reflections

*agenda is subject to change based on the needs of the group


Community Agreements

1. Be Kind, Courteous & Respectful We are coming into this container to create a safe, warm space where we can all practice and grow as individuals along our unique journey.

2. Breakout Rooms are a Safe & Confidential Space - Part of the magic of this space is feeling safe to express yourself fully, so that you can truly sense into yourself and allow things to emerge.

3. No Hate Speech or Bullying - Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn't allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated.

4. No Promotions or Spam - Give more than you take to this community. Self-promotion, spam and irrelevant links aren't allowed.

What you'll experience by attending:

Upload an image for week 1


Cultivate Mindfulness
Take time during your work week to pause and practice shifting gears from the typical yang work energy into yin energy in order to see the benefits of both within the workplace and your life.  

Upload an image for week 2

Explore the Data

Sensing goes beyond the 5 senses, which keep you alive.  In practicum, you will get a chance to sense into yourself in new ways, and into another person in new ways.

Upload an image for week 3

Lean into the Unknown
During this container, we will create space for new ideas, ways of being, feelings, discoveries, thoughts and more to rise to the surface (to our consciousness).

Upload your image

Hi, I'm Elise

Four years ago, I began a search for who I was at my core.  As I climbed up a snow capped mountain in Idaho, I broke down and had the realization that I needed to go on a new scary adventure; one that didn't involve my mountain bike and camping gear.  It was time to explore the topography within myself for a change.

To go within, I reached out.  I hired a coach and created new connections to support myself on this journey through the unknown.  It was not a direct path, but a beautifully challenging one that pushed my personal limits.

Along the way, I discovered so many patterns of being a human that I feel called to share with others because they are fundamental for us to return to ourselves, and nature.  

I founded Wyld Within.  I bring my background in ecology, my empathetic nature and experience as a professional intuitive coach to guide my clients and support the global regenerative movement.